Welcome to the AzLA Committee Page.  Below are the active committees for AzLA and their current Committee Chair(s).  If you have any questions, please contact us via the CONTACT US page. You can email the chairs directly with the emails below.

 Advocacy (formerly Legislative committee)
 Erin McFarlane advocacy@azla.org
 Membership, Marketing and Outreach (MMO)
 Erin Lorandos mmo@azla.org
 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
 Jessica Jupitus edi@azla.org
 Professional Development Diana Flores & Cheryl Gerken development@azla.org
 Conference Kori Tueller & Beth Malapanes conference@azla.org

Advocacy Committee: (formerly Legislative)
The Advocacy Committee works to support libraries across Arizona by affecting federal, state, and local legislative decision making. Members of the committee liaise with a lobbyist who works in the Arizona Legislature to promote bills that are good for libraries, and oppose those that would be detrimental. Members of the committee champion grassroots advocacy efforts around the state. As a member chapter of the American Library Association, the committee also advocates for federal legislation that furthers the work of libraries across the country.

Membership, Marketing and Outreach Committee:  (MMO)
The Membership Committee is dedicated to fostering a vibrant, engaged, and diverse membership base within our organization. The committee is responsible for the recruitment, retention, and engagement of members, ensuring that the organization continues to grow and thrive with active participation from all members.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee:  (EDI)
The EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion):  Provide support for past, future and current library staff who hold historically marginalized or vulnerable identities.  Offer guidance and support for providing equitable and inclusive spaces, programs, and services in Arizona libraries. 

Professional Development Committee:
Provide enhanced professional development opportunities to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of library staff and informational professionals across the state of Arizona. 

Conference Committee:
The Conference Committee is tasked with the planning, organization, and execution of the organization's annual conference. This committee ensures that the conference meets the highest standards of quality, provides value to attendees, and aligns with the organization's mission and goals.

Arizona Library Association

Building Strong Libraries Together

7760 E State Route 69 Ste C5 #385
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

(928) 288-2011

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