Conference Sessions - Friday, October 18, 2024

Click each Program Title to open/close a full view that shows program description, learning objectives, and presenter bios. Please note that all programs are subject to change.

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Session 5 Programs (9:30 am - 10:30 am)

Critical Indigenous Librarianship: Cultivating Community through Indigenous Library space, collections and services (Eric Hardy, Vina Begay)

This presentation will spotlight how the Labriola National American Indian Data Center, an Indigenous-led and Indigenous-staffed library at Arizona State University (ASU), centers community in their library programming and services. Presenters will highlight successful library programs that encourage Tribal community members within the urban area and on reservations at ASU campus to share knowledge through storytelling, art, and performance. Presenters will also stress the importance of how culturally relevant programming fosters a learning environment that supports Indigenous academic success. Through their implementation of Indigenous librarianship, Labriola staff will emphasize how libraries can be a space for decolonization and cultural resilience when Indigenous values of kinship, community, consent and sovereignty are applied throughout a library service model.

Learning Objectives

  • Creating programing and services that are centered in Indigenous learning
  • Diverse ways to implement programing and research services at your university/library
  • Incorporating art as ways of knowing and learning in libraries

Eric Hardy is from the Diné Nation (Navajo Nation). He is born of the Bitter Water Clan (Tódich'ii'nii) and for the Weaver Clan (Tł'ógi). He is currently the Senior Program Coordinator for the Labriola National American Indian Data Center. Prior to working at Labriola, Eric had worked with Tribes in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah to implement culturally adapted chronic disease prevention projects. In his work, he advocates for the strengthening of Indigenous cultural resilience practices and the decolonization of Tribal communities. He holds a Bachelor’s in American Indian Studies (AIS) from Arizona State University (ASU) and is currently completing his Master’s in AIS at ASU.

Vina Begay (Diné Nation) is the Assistant Librarian and Archivist at the Labriola National American Indian Data Center with Arizona State University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Theater, Master of Business Administration and Master of Library and Information Science with a specialization in Archival Studies and Digital Information Management. Vina has dedicated her career to safeguarding, preserving, and advocating the implementation of the Protocols of Native American Archival Materials within Western institutions to ensure proper care and management of Indigenous cultural information.  Additionally, Vina has served as a Tribal Archivist consultant for Tribal communities in the assistance of establishing Archival Centers within their community, including developing and providing training on Tribal archival practices tailored to the Tribal Nation’s cultural beliefs, practices, and governance structure. Vina is currently serving as the Chair for the Native American Archive Section (NAAS) and as an Archival Repatriation committee member with the Society of American Archivists. Vina also currently leads the Indigenous Archival Training Program for NAAS. 

Rec and Roll: Creating Impactful Programming with our Parks & Recreation Department (Emily Duchon)

The Sierra Vista Public Library is part of a 10 division Parks, Library, and Recreation Department, which includes sports, aquatics, parks, adaptive recreation, art, culture, and more. Learn how library staff used their programming and expertise, using practical examples, to weave a link between those "other" divisions to reach underserved populations in their area and reach vital new users "where they are"--at our pool, parks, and recreational buildings. Viewing the library as part of a much larger team as an opportunity to enhance our offerings, rather than a drawback, was key to our success. Here's how one library did it--and here's how you can bring our success to your own community!

Learning Objectives

  • Internal Partnerships
  • Outreach and Relationship Building
  • New Users & Growth

Emily directs the operations for the 30,000 plus square foot Sierra Vista Public Library in addition to managing four additional cultural & recreational divisions for the City of Sierra Vista: The Henry H Hauser Museum, Adaptive Adults Recreational Program, Family Programming, as well as the City Artist Studio. Her multi-departmental experience includes operational excellence, mentoring and retaining top notch employees, facility maintenance, budgets, and utilizing innovative ideas and designs to motivate the workplace and keep things fresh. She loves both libraries and parks and recreation dearly and works hard to integrate efforts at all levels of operation. She is a librarian as well as a certified parks and recreation professional. She holds both an MLIS and an MPA and considers departmental connectivity (and creativity) her greatest strength.

More than just Books, the Talking Book Library (Christine Tuttle, Jennifer McLaughlin)

Come learn about this unique library that provides audiobook/braille services to the visually impaired, print disabled, and those with dexterity issues. The Talking Book Library (TBL) would like to empower librarians and library administrators to better serve your community by empowering you to register eligible people. Each library throughout the state knows their community and those who could be using these services. Let’s team up to better serve our communities.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the Talking Book Library
  • Hear how libraries are able to assist your community
  • How libraries are able to participate with this program

Christine Tuttle is the Outreach Librarian at the Arizona Talking Book Library. Christine received her MLIS from the University of Arizona. In 2007, she joined the Talking Book Library as the Readers’ Advisor and Communities Librarian. Since 2009, Christine has been her current role, as the outreach and community engagement librarian, providing workshops for libraries, professional associations, and the public throughout Arizona.

Jennifer McLaughlin: I am the Reading Disabilities Librarian/Reader Advisor at the Arizona Talking Book Library. I have worked for more than 15 years as a librarian in public, medical and academic capacities. I also have previous professional experience in business/marketing, social work and teaching that I bring to my work as a librarian.

Measured by Whom We Include: Strategies for Improving Access in Academic Libraries (Seren Nutt, Karen Grondin)

Lift-Off with LSTA! (Chris Guerra)

Join us for a fast-paced look at recent projects powered by federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Get ideas for launching your own programs and services with Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants offered by the Arizona State Library. Brief presentations by project managers from all over the state will cover a range of topics such as digitization, community outreach, teen services, and coding programs. There's something for every library type and size, and for every community!

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants
  • Learn about recent projects funded by LSTA
  • Get ideas for launching your own programs and services with LSTA grants from the Arizona State Library.

Chris Guerra is Grants Consultant and State Data Coordinator for the Library Development branch of the Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records. An "accidental librarian," being that he came into the world of libraries by chance, he has nonetheless found a home within the profession, and has had the pleasure of being part of the State Library for over 13 years now. An avid gaming and technology enthusiast, he spends a lot of time online and would likely be one of the first to fall in an apocalypse with no Internet.

Five Ways to Take Your Storytime to the Next Level (Cynthia Martinez, Bersabe Amaya, Carly Southwick, Silvana Kane)

Learn how to take your Storytime to the next level with less stress! The Storytime Team at the Buckeye Public Library uses teamwork and planning, collaboration with other city departments and outside organisations, and volunteers to deliver awe-inspiring Babytimes and Storytimes three days a week between two branches.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how planning and teamwork can be used to deliver bigger results in less time.
  • Use partnerships to enhance your Storytimes and help parents raise the whole child.
  • Learn how to use the six pillars of early literacy to make themes easy.

Cynthia Martinez, a bilingual Arizona native and proud resident of one of the fastest-growing cities in America, the City of Buckeye, has been working with the library since 2003. She has a passion for exceptional customer service and has taken on leadership roles in various capacities within the library, including, Children’s, Adult, and Youth Services. As a Library Assistant Senior, she currently oversees a system-wide team focused on the development of programs tailored to children aged birth to 5. Additionally, she imparts her knowledge of bookbinding and the art of origami to enthusiastic learners. When she’s not brainstorming innovative ways to promote the importance of early literacy, Cynthia enjoys making memories with her children by visiting The Buckeye Public Library, a meaningful place to her during her own childhood.

Bersabe Amaya is a devoted wife, proud mother, and passionate library enthusiast. She first stepped into the world of books and knowledge in 2018, at a library in Victorville, CA. That is when she realized that her work was more than just a job; it was a heartfelt commitment to serving the community with joy, creativity, and unwavering dedication. Bersabe works as a Library Assistant Senior at the Buckeye Public Library Downtown. Alongside an incredible team, she helps curate experiences that not only educate but also spark imagination. With every program Bersabe organizes, the goal is simple- inspire the next generation of bookworms and dreamers.

Carly Southwick is an Arizona State University graduate with a B.S. in Global Business. She quickly realized that global business was not what she wanted to do with the rest of her life but found her passion with public libraries. She spent 11 years working for the Phoenix Public Library, and has spent the last 8 years at the Buckeye Public Library where she is a Library Assistant. Her current focus is on early literacy where she helps with weekly Babytime and Storytime programs. She and the Storytime Team have built a successful Storytime program and they often have over 300 people coming to their programs on a weekly basis. When she’s not shaping young minds, she loves spending time with her husband and two daughters.

Silvana Kane has been a library assistant for five years. She also has two decades of experience working in school settings. Being an Ecuadorian-immigrant, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep love for literacy to her role. Currently employed as a Library Assistant at the Downtown Branch of the Buckeye Public Library, Silvana dedicates her time to organizing captivating storytelling sessions, designing craft projects, and making the library a welcoming place for young readers. Outside of work, Silvana finds joy in reading, exploring Arizona's trails, relaxing by her pool and engaging in personal DIY projects. Her commitment, spirit, and boundless enthusiasm contribute significantly to the library and the local Buckeye community by nurturing children's passion for reading and learning from a young age.

Express Session Combo
  • Standing on the Corner of OERizona (Cheryl Casey, Megan Crossfield, Shelly Gilliam, Anali Maughan Perry, Carrie Meakins-Farnsworth
  • Empowering Communities: Libraries Leading Public Health Partnerships (Dana Abbey)

Standing on the Corner of OERizona

Join us to learn about the newly formed OERizona Network (, a community started by Arizona’s community colleges and universities, and expanding to all educators across the state. The OERizona Network is a professional learning community committed to providing learners across Arizona (and beyond) unimpeded and equitable access to high-quality learning materials through the promotion of open educational practices. We’ll provide an introduction to open education and open educational resources (OER), how and why OERizona was formed, and an overview of the free, customizable resources available to all. Finally, you can be part of our OERizona hub on OER Commons ( and join our community of practice — it’s such a fine place to be!

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the basics of open education and open educational resources.
  • Learn the goals and benefits of the OERizona Network.
  • Find out how to get involved in OERizona.

Cheryl Casey is the Open Education Librarian at the University of Arizona Libraries, where she has led open educational resource (OER) initiatives since 2014. She is a trainer for the Open Education Network (OEN) and an instructor for the OEN’s Certificate in Open Education Librarianship. She holds an MIRLS from the University of Arizona.

Megan Crossfield is President of the OERizona network’s Board of Cultivators. She coordinates the Open Textbooks for Rural Arizona initiative. She has a Master of Education (M.Ed.) specializing in Educational Counseling from San Jose State University.

Shelly Gilliam is the Manager of Public Services & Instruction at the Yavapai College Library and holds an MLIS from the University of Arizona. Her librarian superpowers are leading the Library Instruction Team, OER team, Reference & Circulation services, and Shelly recently acquired a certificate in Creative Commons licensing.

Anali Maughan Perry is the Head of the Open Science and Scholarly Communication (OSSC) Division at ASU Library. In this role, she leads efforts to provide outreach and education to the ASU community regarding open science and scholarship, scholarly publishing and copyright, open access to scholarly information, and open education. The OSSC Division includes Research Data Services and Course Resource Services, as well as management of the ASU Research Data and KEEP institutional repositories.

OER Librarian Carrie Meakins-Farnsworth holds an MIRLS from the University of Arizona and comes with a background in K-12 education. Her current librarian superpowers are OER faculty outreach, curating OER resources, a member of the Yavapai College Library Instruction Team, and Carrie recently acquired a certificate in Creative Commons licensing.

Empowering Communities: Libraries Leading Public Health Partnerships

Libraries have extensive population reach and invest in technology and services to meet the diverse needs of the communities they serve. There are over 17,000 public libraries in the U.S., with nearly half located in rural areas. Libraries are an important part of the public health environment because they offer two components of a successful health-care network: accessibility and trustworthiness. Both libraries and public health share a common goal of building and sustaining resilient communities. Library programs across the nation provided support and resources for vulnerable populations including homeless people, people with mental illness and substance use, recent immigrants, and children and families suffering from trauma. One library system had over half a million people attend programs addressing health determinants, such as housing and literacy. This session will highlight a few initiatives public libraries are supporting and provide examples of public health partnerships.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will understand the role of public libraries in promoting community health.
  • Participants will gain an understanding of the various ways in which public libraries contribute to public health initiatives, including access to health information, educational programs, and community outreach efforts.
  • Participants will learn about real-world examples of collaborative efforts between public libraries and public health organizations, including integrating health promotion activities into library services.

Dana Abbey, MLS, is an Engagement Coordinator with the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 4. For over 20 years, she has worked to improve the public's access to reliable information to enable informed decisions regarding health, and to enhance access to evidence-based research for clinicians and the public health workforce. She has worked in special, public, and academic libraries. Dana is a Colorado native and loves to visit and learn about the communities across Region 4 and the nation.

Session 6 Programs (11:00 am - Noon)

Beyond the Bureaucracy: Unraveling the Mysteries of Government Info! (Myrrhianna Morningstar, Jordan Myers, Jennifer Parker, Aimée Quinn, Kori Tueller)

Join Federal Depository Library staff from across Arizona on an exciting Government Information journey into the world of Government Information! Discover examples, resources, and practical tips to help you navigate government documents with ease. No worries – we will start with the basics and spark your curiosity to explore even further.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand where to find trusted government information in print and online
  • Learn how government information can enhance your answers to reference questions
  • Understand Arizona’s Federal Depository Libraries, what they offer, and how the transition from a print to a Digital Federal Depository Library program will affect access
  • Articulate what government information is and how it is produced on a state and federal level

Aimée C Quinn is the NAU-Yuma Assistant Librarian. She earned her M.L.I.S. degree from Louisiana State University and a B.F.A. in Theatre Arts from the University of New Mexico. She published over 50 articles, book chapters, and reports related to the preservation of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, rare and valuable government publications, civic engagement, and digital government information. Having taught civic engagement, collection management, and foundations of government information and library science in her career, she is regularly sought out as a mentor and advisor to new government information librarians. She is interested in the intersections of government information and underserved communities which led to her contributions to research and publication her service on the U.S. Government Publishing Office Depository Library Council for the past three years. She is continuing this research along with her work on the impact of presidential actions on environmental and scientific government information.

Jordan Myers is a Librarian I at Burton Barr Central Library located in the heart of downtown Phoenix. Over the past year, Jordan has made significant contributions to the Special Collections Team. In his role, Jordan helps oversee the Arizona Room, ensuring the collection remains accessible and engaging to the community. Additionally, Jordan assists with the library's Rare Book Room by planning engaging programs and leading informative tours, helping bring the collection's valuable resources to life for the public. With a background as a high school English teacher, Jordan brings passion for education, literacy, and exercising proper research methods to their role so that patrons in his community can stay better connected in a world full of information overload.

Jennifer Parker is a Library Assistant with Phoenix Public Library at Burton Barr Central Library. She has worked with the Government Documents team, among other things, for two years. Before joining the library, she spent many years as a theatre artist and academic.

Kori Tueller is the Administrator of the State of Arizona Research Library, a branch of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records. She is the Regional Federal Depository Library Coordinator for Arizona. She earned her MLIS degree from the University of Arizona. She enthusiastically connects researchers to resources any chance she gets!

Myrrh Morningstar is the Government Information Library Associate at the State of Arizona Research Library. She started her library career as a Page within the Phoenix Public Library system, is a MLIS graduate student at the University of Arizona, and in 2023 received the Sharon G. Womack Outstanding Library Technician Award.

Storytime 911 (Aubrey White)

What do you do when storytime goes wrong? Who you gonna call? Librarian Aubrey White is here for you! He will share his best tips and tricks for surviving the chaos of storytime and coming out the other side still smiling. We'll discuss aspects of early childhood development that should influence your planning and preparation for storytime. Then, we'll get into more specifics of what can go wrong and what you can do to navigate potential pitfalls. Let's take charge of storytime together instead of storytime taking charge of you!

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will learn ways to take account of early childhood developmental milestones when planning for storytime.
  • Participants will learn about several variables that can contribute to storytime chaos and how to manage them more effectively.
  • Participants will learn tips and tools to utilize during storytime to better engage with both the adults and children present.

Aubrey White has worked in libraries for the past 13 years, primarily in youth services and programming. Most recently, he is the Sort team supervisor at the Cholla Branch Library of the Phoenix Public Library District, where he also conducts regular programming and outreach for all ages.

Knowledge Exchange:  Learn how libraries across Arizona created successful health and wellness programs. (Lisa Lewis, Debbie Winlock, Jason Macoviak, Rayel Starling, Stephanie Fulton)

Health and wellness has risen to the top of priority issues in recent years. Libraries have risen to the challenge and are offering health related programming to better serve their communities. This break-out session will consist of a panel of librarians from different areas of the state that implemented successful health related programming that can easily be replicated.

Learning Objectives

  • Health and Wellness
  • Community Driven Service
  • Programming for all ages

Starting the City of Phoenix's first Bookmobile branch in 35 years. (Keith Lord)

We will go over the processes of starting the Bookmobile Branch which is the 18th branch in the Phoenix system as well as a service model not done with the city in 35 years. We will discuss what has worked and not worked in our first year as a fully dedicated outreach team covering a large city while acting as a local branch to an underserved community.

Learning Objectives

  • The process of starting a new branch and services model
  • How to adapt and keep an open mind when starting something new
  • The best services in being an outreach library branch

Keith Lord has been with the City of Phoenix Library system for 12 years starting as a page at Burton Barr Central Library. For 4 years he has been a branch manager, most recently as the new Bookmobile Branch manager.

Circulation Supervisors Tell All (about their departments) (Pia Nelson, Dana Shreve)

Ever wonder what happens at other libraries? Do you think the cactus is greener on the other side of the 101? Circulation Supervisors at Scottsdale Public Library and Chandler Public Library shared what is behind staff doors at each branch. At this presentation, you'll learn that your circ staff area is like ours and things are still done differently. We’ll explore procedures, placement of materials, division of labor and duties, and things that make each library unique. Special shout out to Tempe Pub Lib and SERL of MCLD.

Learning Objectives

  • >Showcasing how we can learn from each other if we take the time to meet and share
  • Changes that we made at each library
  • Provide technology support allowing other systems the benefit of our experience.

Dana has worked in libraries since last century, 1996. She has worked at 4 academic and 3 public libraries during that time. She worked as a Page, Library Clerk/Assistant, PT Evening/Weekend Circ Supervisor, Reference Manager, and is the Circulation Supervisor at Civic Center Library in the Scottsdale system. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Dana moved to AZ in 2010. She received her MLIS from Kent State University in 2009. She lives in Mesa with her two cats, loves Doctor Who and traveling, and her favorite genre is mystery.

Pia Nelson began her library career as a Page over ten years ago. Since then, she has had the opportunity to work as a Library Aide and library Assistant, and she has been a Library Circulation Supervisor at the Downtown Chandler Public Library for two and a half years. Pia has lived most of her time in Arizona. She is attending San Jose State University and is on the road to earning her MLIS. Her favorite activities involve spending time with her husband, extended family, and their two quirky hairless cats.

Collywobbles and CRAAP: Exploring the Applications of Generative AI in the Library (Trilby VanDeusen, Josh Maki, Sierra Schuman, William Yates, Mary Ann Naumann)

Join a lively discussion on the use of generative AI in libraries, sparked by ASU’s partnership with OpenAI. Representatives from ASU Library will discuss two projects: the "Evaluation Framework Project" to investigate the reliability of AI-generated text with existing evaluation frameworks, and the "Personas Project" to explore AI's potential in training front-line staff and librarians for chat-based patron interactions and anticipated responses. These initiatives examined GenAI’s role and impact in enhancing library services, focusing on improving information accuracy and operational efficiency. Panelists will share their insights on navigating challenges of ChatGPT such as bias, “satisficing” and content verification, as well as emphasize AI's impact on streamlining training in resource-limited settings. Based on our initial findings, we believe that, while AI can play a crucial role in staff training for understaffed libraries, novice researchers should currently limit their reliance on AI to the initial stages of the research process.

Learning Objectives

  • After participating in this session, attendees should be able to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT to help train staff to provide customer service in either a virtual or in-person environment.
  • After this session, attendees will be better equipped to evaluate generative AI outputs and understand key questions to ask when using AI in the information search process.
  • Participants will be introduced to prompt engineering techniques, custom GPT persona creation, and strategies for utilizing AI in the navigation and resolution of research questions.

Trilby VanDeusen (she/her) is the Electronic Resources Librarian at ASU Library with over two decades of experience in public, community college, and university library settings. She holds an MLIS and an Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services from San Jose State University. She is passionate about the impact of emerging technologies on the evolving needs of library users.

Josh Maki is the Collections Services Supervisor at the Hayden Library on ASU’s Tempe campus. He first started working in academic libraries as a student at Michigan State University in 2010. After earning his B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies in 2014, he became the head of the MSU Library’s Remote Storage warehouse, where he was responsible for the daily care and supervision of over 4 million circulating and non-circulating materials. He currently supervises and manages the Hayden Library stacks and the moves of distinctive collections across various campus libraries. He is interested in the ways artificial intelligence can be harnessed and utilized as a training and practice tool for frontline library workers who will respond to patron questions.

Sierra Schuman (she/her) is an Instruction and Outreach Librarian at ASU Library, part of the E-Learning and Instruction Division. In May 2023, she received her Master of Library Science degree from the University of North Texas. She got introduced to the realm of academic librarianship while working at Southern Methodist University Libraries, focusing on online learning content, instruction, virtual reference chat, and Finals Week outreach. Her interests lie in student-centered learning practices, reference interactions, wellness, and book recommendations. She currently holds memberships to the American Library Association and the Arizona Library Association.

William Yates is the Collections Services Coordinator at Hayden Library on ASU’s Tempe campus. He received his Master of Library Science degree from Florida State University in 2019. He currently supports maintenance of the library’s open stacks along with the transportation of special collection materials from different campuses in the valley.

Mary Ann Naumann is an Undergraduate Instruction and Assessment Librarian at ASU Library. She specializes in providing information literacy instruction to high school and undergraduate students. Mary Ann is particularly interested in how generative AI, like ChatGPT, might be integrated into the research process. She aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to effectively use the technology, understand its potential and limitations, and identify its suitable applications in research.

Express Session Combo:
  • Book Buddies: Partnered Reading Between Teens and Youth (Autumn Hoover, Doris Huus-Martinez)
  • Reading Arizona: Connecting People to Place (Yahm Levin)

Book Buddies: Partnered Reading Between Teens and Youth

Half of elementary students struggle with feeling confident while reading aloud. Partnered reading with a teenage mentor that they look up to and admire can encourage these to work hard and enjoy the time they spend reading. Our community has a need for activities that bring on-going literacy and social connection to the forefront. Book Buddies is a program where teen volunteers read with elementary students to help them gain the confidence and enjoy reading. This presentation will focus on how to implement partnered reading between teen volunteers and youth. We'll be covering the process of creating the Book Buddies program and ways we adapted procedures to better serve our community members.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify marketing strategies to recruit teen volunteers.
  • Examine the benefits of having a joint reading program at your library.
  • Understand the importance of adapting to better fill the needs of a community.

Autumn Hoover brings six years of invaluable library experience to her role as a Librarian at Peoria Main Library. With a focus on youth and teen services, she has honed her skills in creating engaging and enriching experiences for young minds. At Peoria Main Library, Autumn's dedication shines through as she curates Sensory Storytime, Babytime, and a range of other programs designed to captivate children and their families. Her commitment to fostering early literacy and a love for learning is evident in the thoughtful programming she delivers. Autumn's passion for serving her community drives her to continuously innovate and adapt, ensuring that the library remains a welcoming and inclusive space for all.

Doris Huus-Martinez is a library enthusiast turned Library Specialist at Peoria Main Library. A proud graduate of ASU, she boasts over 17 years of experience in both circulation and programming within the library realm. Her journey began as a dedicated library volunteer during her teenage years, and now she leads the several volunteer programs including the Adult Volunteer program, shaping the next generation of library advocates. Doris is deeply committed to serving the needs of her community, evident in her introduction of Bilingual Storytime to Peoria, enriching the cultural and linguistic tapestry of the area. With a relentless passion for learning and serving, she is currently advancing her education by pursuing her MLIS further equipping herself to make a lasting impact in the world of libraries.

Reading Arizona: Connecting People to Place

Reading Arizona is a free eBook and eAudiobook platform available from the State of Arizona Research Library. Over 1,000 titles are available about the people, culture, and history of Arizona and the collection is continually growing. In this presentation, attendees will learn about Reading Arizona, how they can tap into this resource to provide their patrons with additional free content, and suggestions for programming.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about Reading Arizona
  • Learn how easy it is to incorporate Reading Arizona into your library’s catalog
  • Learn how Reading Arizona can be used for programming

Yahm Levin (she/her) has been the Arizona Collection and Reading Arizona Librarian at the State of Arizona Research Library since May 2022. She earned an MA in American Studies and an MLIS from the University of Alabama. Though not from Arizona, she’s excited to share resources that help libraries and patrons learn about Arizona’s unique history.

Session 7 Programs (12:10 pm - 1:10 pm)

DEIB Storytime Series: You Can Do It! (Jesse Spalding, Alexis Skidmore, Sara Kubisty, Marissa Montero)

We did "Scottsdale for All" family story times focusing in on DEIB themes and content. In this program we will share everything from patron attendance and metrics, our lesson plans and partners, the community response, and how we marketed these programs.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how we scaffolded DEIB concepts for themed story time ages 0-7.
  • Have an idea of how the Scottsdale Public Library supported these programs in our community and the community response.
  • Have a framework to create their own DEIB story times with template lesson plans and marketing materials.

Jessie Spalding

Alexis believes that libraries change lives. Libraries have certainly changed her life. She is closing in on 20 years with Scottsdale Public Library System where she has spent the majority of her time in Youth and Teen Services programming, working the service desks, and pushing books to kids and parents alike.

As a Library Assistant in Youth Services at Scottsdale Public Library, Sara is dedicated to fostering a love for reading and learning among children and teens. Sara holds a BS in Political Science from NAU and currently pursuing an MLIS from the U of A. With a background in environmental community activism, she brings a diverse perspective to her work. Outside the library, you can often find Sara exploring the great outdoors, indulging in her passion for both nature and books.

Marissa is a youth library assistant. She grew up in northern Illinois. She loved reading and going to libraries as a child, and that love has continued into her adult years. She began her library career in the summer of 2023. Before that, she attended Northwestern University where she studied anthropology and archaeology. She has lived in Arizona for 10 years now.

Being a Good Ally in your Library (Jessica Jupitus)

Do you feel comfortable being an upstander instead a bystander in a situation where someone is being discriminated against? If your answer isn't a resounding "absolutely", this session will help you understand how to speak out against discrimination in your library (and the world), how to actively work to end oppression, and to recognize your privilege and how that lets you amplify the voices of those directly impacted by injustice. Being an ally is an action, not an identity, so join us to learn more about being a community advocate and supporter. Sponsored by AzLA EDI Committee.

Learning Objectives

  • Get familiar with the terminology of allyship and frequently marginalized identities
  • Learn actionable strategies and scripts for speaking up in the moment when discrimination is occurring in your library
  • Recognize opportunities for microaffirmations and ways to make lasting change in your community

Jess Jupitus is the current chair of the AzLA EDI committee and the director of Tempe Public Library. They firmly believe library work is equity work.

Telehealth in Libraries: Considerations for Getting Started (Karie Straube, Raymond Post)

The YCFLD set up its first telehealth site at the Seligman Public Library in 2023-24. As we started this process, we thought it was a simple matter of purchasing equipment and setting aside space for telehealth visits. How wrong we were! This program describes our journey of setting up our first site: lessons learned, best practices, HIPAA compliance, and more.

Learning Objectives

  • What needs to be done (equipment purchased, site considerations/modifications, agreements, training)
  • Partnerships: who is doing what
  • HIPAA considerations for telehealth

Karie Straube, MLS Karie Straube is the Assistant Director of the Yavapai County Free Library District and Administrator of the Yavapai Library Network. She got her start in libraries as an undergraduate at Northern Arizona University and has been working in the library field ever since. Before starting at the YCFLD/YLN in December of 2019, she worked at several academic and public libraries in California, Oregon, and Washington state. System administration, processes, and technical services are her specialties. Raising beagles, tending a small orchard in her backyard, and writing are her interests.

Raymond F. Posa, MBA Mr. Posa is currently the Clinical Risk Manager and Compliance Officer for Yavapai County Community Health Services in Prescott, AZ. Mr. Posa is also the President and founder of the Manta Group; a HIPAA and Technology consulting firm from Farmingdale, NJ. Mr. Posa holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration in Information Systems. He has served as the Technology Advisor to the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM), is a Fellow with the AAPPM and served two terms on the Board of Trustees of the AAPPM. Mr. Posa has written numerous articles for various medical publication on HIPAA and Technology and is a national speaker on these topics.

Advocating for Your Digital Budget with Data (Kate DeMeester-Lane, Stephanie Everett)

Now that digital use is holding steady at 50%, many libraries need to figure out how to right size their digital budget. Through proper supply, usage and evaluation, your digital collection can thrive. But, how do you measure it? In this session, OverDrive Account Manager Stephanie Everett will provide an overview and high-level demonstration of Marketplace’s Insights and Reports, and Library Services Manager for Pima County Public Library Kate DeMeester-Lane will provide examples of how she used the data as part of a successful multi-justification proposal for a $750,000 increase in their collections budget.

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to understand how libraries can see and use data in OverDrive Marketplace to support collection development.
  • Attendees will be able to evaluate progress toward a thriving collection, using the Insights page to see current statistics on usage in an easy-to-read way.
  • Attendees will be able craft an effective report with simple, digestible data to support appropriate budget distribution.

Kate DeMeester-Lane is a Library Services Manager for Pima County Public Library. She currently oversees Collection Development, Technical Services and Library Technology. Her current focus is on realigning library services and collections with what customers want and need in a changing world. Additionally, defending free and accessible collections against the rising tide of calls for book banning is central to her work. Originally from the Midwest, she has lived in Tucson since 2000 and completed her MLIS at the University of Arizona in 2003.

Stephanie Everett is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University (BA), The University of Akron (MA) and Kent State University (MLIS). Prior to joining OverDrive, she worked as an academic librarian at The University of Akron in Ohio leading communications planning and guiding a user-centered approach to outreach. As an Account Manager, Stephanie works with public libraries in AZ, CO, NM, NV, & UT to develop and maximize their digital collections.

Next Level Citizen Science at Your Library: Turnkey, trainings, kits, programs, and ambassadors (Deron Ash, Emma Giles)

Learning Objectives

Deron Ash

Emma Giles

Mentorship Program at a Public Library (Dana Shreve)

At Scottsdale Public Library, a mentorship program was started in FY2022/2023. We are now in our 3rd year. In this presentation, we’ll show where we started and where we are now. We will show dos and don’ts and provide options for you to think about when you start your own mentorship program.

Learning Objectives

  • How to start a mentorship program
  • Dos and don’ts/lessons learned
  • How the program impacts staff members

Dana has worked in libraries since last century, 1996. She has worked at 4 academic and 3 public libraries during that time. She worked as a Page, Library Clerk/Assistant, PT Evening/Weekend Circ Supervisor, Reference Manager, and is the Circulation Supervisor at Civic Center Library in the Scottsdale system. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Dana moved to AZ in 2010. She received her MLIS from Kent State University in 2009. She lives in Mesa with her two cats, loves Doctor Who and traveling, and her favorite genre is mystery.

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