2025 Arizona Library Association Annual Conference

Arizona Blooming: How Libraries Empower Community

October 22-24
Casino Del Sol, Tucson, AZ

The AzLA Annual Conference will bring together librarians, library staff, educators, authors, publishers, friends of libraries, trustees, special guests, and exhibitors! Featuring discussions on timely and enduring issues, reflections on the ever-evolving role of libraries, and updates on relevant legislation and policies. Networking events allow individuals to meet with colleagues to learn and share knowledge, information, and experience. This is a once-a-year opportunity to learn from each other and for larger organizations to help support the smaller libraries.

Questions? Please contact conference@azla.org

Arizona Library Association

Building Strong Libraries Together

7760 E State Route 69
Ste C5 #385
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

(928) 288-2011

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