AzLA offers 4 different membership types: Individual, Student, Organizational, and Vendor. To renew your membership, sign in to your AzLA account and then select the membership you would like to purchase. Your membership will be renewed. Questions? Contact


Standard Individual Membership


The standard membership is for individuals working full time in a library, archive, or related field, with or without a degree or certification.

Library Lovers Membership


This membership is for Friends of the Library, Trustees, Board Members, Community members, and Volunteers.

Transitional Membership


This membership is for former library staff and those working 20 hours weekly in a library or archive setting.

New/Lapsed Membership

$50 for 365 days

This membership is for individuals who have never been a part of AzLA or who have been lapsed members for at least 3 years. This membership converts to a standard membership after 1 year from the date of purchase and cannot be purchased more than one time.

Paraprofessional Membership


This membership is for individuals with or without a library degree that work in a library, archive, or museum setting.

School Library Membership


*Free for one year!

School Library Membership is free until October 10, 2025!

This membership is for individuals with or without a library degree or School Media Specialist certification that work in a school library setting.


Joint AzLA/ALA Student Membership

Library school students are eligible to join both ALA and AzLA at one price. Join both national and state library associations and get connected to your future. Joint student members are full members of both associations, and receive all the benefits accorded to student members in each association. For ALA it includes: 6 issues of American Libraries magazine, weekly e-delivery of AL Direct, bi-monthly Student Direct, discounts on ALA and Division conferences, 10% discounts on ALA Editions and Graphics; Access to ALA scholarships, grants and travel opportunities.

For more information click HERE.

Student Member without ALA Membership


The standard membership is for individuals working full time in a library, archive, or related field, with or without a degree or certification.

This membership is for students that prefer not to be Joint AzLA / ALA Student Members.

This membership is limited to 5 consecutive years.


Library Organization Memberships

Organization Memberships allow for all of your full and part-time library employees to be added as members to your account. The Organizational bundle administrator account and each of its member accounts have all the rights and privileges of a Standard AzLA Membership.

When you sign up for an organizational account, the account you first set up is your organization's bundle administrator account. This can be an individual who is also a member, or you may choose to use a shared email such as as the bundle administrator account. All other organization individual's accounts are connected as member accounts to this bundle administrator account.

Additional staff accounts can be added via spreadsheet.  To add this way, email with a.csv including First Name, Last Name, and email and AzLA will add these accounts for you.

 Tier 1
  Operational Budget $1-99K   $75 / Year
 Tier 2
  Operational Budget $100K-$499K   $125 / Year
 Tier 3
  Operational Budget $500K-$999K   $300 / Year
 Tier 4
  Operational Budget $1M-$2.9M   $1,000 / Year
 Tier 5
  Operational Budget $3M-5.9M   $1,200 / Year
 Tier 6
  Operational Budget $6M-$10M   $2,500 / Year
 Tier 7
  Operational Budget $10.1M+   $5,000 / Year


Vendor Membership


This membership is for companies and organizations that work closely with the library community.

Arizona Library Association

Building Strong Libraries Together

7760 E State Route 69 Ste C5 #385
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

(928) 288-2011

© 2024 - Arizona Library Association

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