
  • Monday, January 20, 2025 1:18 PM | Tina Packard (Administrator)

    Many organizational IT departments have been blocking our AZLA gmail account. So for many, you ARE NOT receiving AZLA emails.

    If this is the case for you, please consider changing your contact email in your account. Please change your contact email from a work email to a personal email. Or pick an email not part of your work organization.

    Login to your account at and edit your profile to change the email on your account.

  • Monday, June 17, 2024 8:26 PM | Tina Packard (Administrator)

    The Arizona Library Association seeks dedicated and dynamic individuals to run for the following leadership positions. The following are brief descriptions of the duties involved with the available positions. For a comprehensive description, please see the AzLA Bylaws.

    If you have a passion for libraries and a desire to make a difference in our vibrant community, we invite you to nominate yourself or a colleague for one of these significant roles.

    Please submit your nomination by July 2, 2024, including a headshot for the ballot at The election will take place from September 3rd to 17th, with the successful candidates assuming office after the AzLA Conference in October.

    President-Elect (2024-27)

    • As President-Elect, you will be a voting member of both the Board and the Executive Committee. You will serve three years, first as President-Elect, then President, then Past-President. Your responsibilities include:
    • Serve as a voting member of the Board.
    • Act in the absence of the President. If the President vacates the office, the
    • President-Elect completes the term. (See Bylaws)
    • Serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. (See Bylaws)
    • Serve as a member of the Nominating & Elections Committee. (See Bylaws)
    • Represent the President upon request.
    • Submit a year-end report to the Past-President.
    • Oversee annual conference & appoints conference committee & sub-committee chairs. This includes selecting the conference theme & overseeing conference planning (contracting conference planner, site visits, etc.).
    • Plan and conduct the association’s annual Board retreat with the President.
    • Attend the American Library Association’s new Chapter leader orientation.
    • Coordinate with the ALA Councilor on special ALA training and opportunities.

    Secretary (2024-26)
    The Secretary is a key voting member of the Board and Executive Committee. This role involves:

    • Serve as a voting member of the Board.
    • Keep an accurate record of the proceedings and attendance of the Association and the Board meetings.
    • File/archive copies of all minutes, summaries, and other material distributed at all meetings of the association.
    • Maintain the Secretary’s Google Drive, including archiving, deleting, and migrating all Board documents into the board's Google Drive.
    • Compile and record email voting of the Executive Committee and the Board.
    • Submit a year-end report to the Past-President.
    • Working with the Treasurer, submit the Association’s annual report with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
    • Serve as a representative on various committees as needed.
    • Assist incoming Board members with bank access.
    • Assist with onboarding of incoming Secretary at the end of term.

    Northern Regional Rep (2024-26, must reside in Apache, Coconino, LaPaz, Mohave, & Navajo Counties)

    Southern Regional Rep (2024-26, must reside in Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz, & Yuma Counties)
    Regional Representatives are voting members of the Board and represent the diverse membership of their designated region. The Representative’s duties include:

    • Serve as a voting member of the Board.
    • Attend all meetings of the Board.
    • Communicate with region membership, decisions, and issues of the Association.
    • Submit region activities to the website or other social media sources.
    • Execute duties as delegated by the Association President or Board.
    • Submit a year-end report to the Past-President.
    • Submit annual budget to the Budget and Finance Committee.

    MPLA Representative (2024-27)
    The MPLA Representative is a liaison between the AzLA Board and MPLA Board. The candidate must be a member of both AzLA and MPLA. Responsibilities include:

    • Serve as a voting member of the Board.
    • Serve as a liaison between MPLA and AzLA.
    • Respond to requests for information from MPLA and promote MPLA membership within Arizona.
    • Work closely with the MPLA Executive Secretary to keep a current list of MPLA members.
    • Keep MPLA Members informed of promotional opportunities and events.
    • Promote MPLA Leadership Institute.
    • Provide state-specific news for the MPLA Newsletter.
    • Actively assists the MPLA Conference Chair when or if the MPLA Annual Conference is held in Arizona in conjunction with the AzLA Annual Conference.
    • Submit a year-end report to the Past-President.
    • Represent MPLA at the AzLA conference.
    • Help identify an MPLA replacement if a vacancy occurs.

    School Library Division Chair (non-elected)
    The Teacher Librarians’ Division shall be concerned with the improvement and extension of library media services in the schools of Arizona as a means of strengthening the schools’ educational programs. This Division recognizes that its program shall be developed in cooperation with other library and educational organizations concerned with the welfare and education of children and youth.

    Why Serve?

    Serving in these roles offers you the opportunity to:

    1. Influence the direction of our Association.
    2. Develop leadership skills.
    3. Network with colleagues and leaders in the library community.
    4. Make a lasting impact on the future of libraries in Arizona.

    Join us in shaping the future of the Arizona Library Association! Your leadership and vision can make a difference.

    Mountain Plains Library Association Representative

    Arizona Library Association
    7760 State Route 69 SteC5 #385
    Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

  • Monday, September 25, 2023 10:05 AM | Anonymous

    Due to a resignation, the president-elect position was vacated in September.

    As AzLA Leadership is committed to continued progress and to continuity, we have asked Lisa Lewis to temporarily remain President. We thank Lisa for graciously agreeing to stay in the role. 

    As the election process comes to a close this week, we will announce our new incoming president-elect and new incoming board members at our annual conference in October.

    This announcement will also be sent out to membership via email. We thank you for your continued support of AzLA.


    The AzLA Executive Board

  • Saturday, August 12, 2023 12:34 PM | Anonymous

    If you are currently look for library and information science positions available in Arizona, please visit the Arizona State Library Jobline page.

  • Wednesday, August 02, 2023 9:15 AM | Anonymous

    July 24, 2023

    The Arizona Library Association’s mission is to promote library service and librarianship in libraries of all types in the state of Arizona. AzLA’s membership in the American Library Association (ALA) supports our mission, and helps to expand our reach through advocacy, grants, and networking opportunities.

    Just like Arizona’s libraries meet a range of needs in our communities, the ALA meets a variety of needs in our profession. The ALA is a membership organization inclusive of all types of libraries and library workers, serves a national network connecting and supporting state chapters, and accredits master’s degree programs for librarians.

    Benefits to ALA membership include access to ALA’s standards for library services, continuing education and professional development opportunities, community of practice and subject matter experts, funding sources, grants, scholarships, and resources that help to underwrite the delivery of programs and services for library users.

    As a state chapter of ALA, the Arizona Library Association has access to professional support from staff members and divisions at ALA. The two organizations work in tandem to support Arizona libraries by advocating for federal funding programs, guiding local librarians through materials challenges, and providing grants and scholarships directly to Arizona Librarians.

    Over the past two years, libraries in Arizona have received over $1.9 million from ALA via program grants, including $100,000 from ALA’s Library COVID Relief Fund. This support is in addition to their advocacy for state-level funding from the federal government through the Institute of Museum and Library Services’ (IMLS) grants to states.

    The ALA is a non-partisan, non-profit membership organization that develops, promotes, and improves library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all. The Arizona Library Association is proud to be a state chapter of the ALA, and stands in solidarity with its members and its mission.

  • Monday, November 07, 2022 9:11 AM | Anonymous

    Hello AzLA, 

    I'm excited to share this opportunity with you all! ALA's Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities will offer more than $7 million in grants to small and rural libraries to increase the accessibility of facilities, services, and programs to better serve people with disabilities.

    Applications are open now for grants of $10,000 and $20,000. Apply in this first round of grant funding by February 28, 2023 

    For more information, visit

    #LTCAccess #Accessibility

    Lisa Lewis, AzLA President

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022 9:16 AM | Anonymous

    World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration – applications close November 14th

    ALA invites applications from public libraries in the United States and territories interested in hosting the traveling exhibition World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration, developed by the American Anthropological Association and the Smithsonian's Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage.

    ALA will accept applications from October 10, 2022, to November 14, 2022. Learn more and apply online.

    Fifteen public libraries will be selected to host the 1000-square-foot exhibit for approximately five weeks. Selected sites will also receive a $500 stipend to conduct public programs, events or activities related to the human migration themes explored in the exhibition.

    Exploring Human Origins: Promoting a National Conversation on Human Evolution – applications close November 7th

    ALA, in collaboration with the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History's (NMNH) Human Origins Program, invites applications from public libraries interested in hosting the traveling exhibition Exploring Human Origins: Promoting a National Conversation on Human Evolution.

    ALA will accept applications from September 12 to November 7, 2022. Learn more and apply online.

    Six public libraries will be selected for the national tour. Working with leading scientists from the NMNH Human Origins Program, the libraries will engage audiences across a wide spectrum - from those who do not question the scientific study of human origins to those who are troubled by its findings - to engage the complex field of human evolution research in ways that are understandable, fulfilling, captivating and relevant.

    For more information, please contact

  • Tuesday, October 04, 2022 9:16 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Region 4 Network Members!

    We are excited to announce that the Year 3 Funded Awards Request for Applications opened Friday, September 30, 2022.

    Eligible members can select from three types of awards – Professional Development ($2K), Technology Improvement ($9.5K), and Engagement & Outreach ($20K & $50K).

    Awards application, details, and instructions available HERE!!!

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact or your state point of contact.

    Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico –

  • Wednesday, September 21, 2022 1:13 PM | Anonymous

    Two Solar Eclipses Coming to North America!

    Annular Eclipse, Saturday, October 14, 2023

    Total Eclipse, Monday, April 8, 2024

    Thanks to a generous grant from the Betty and Gordon Moore foundation, the STAR Library Network will support state and public libraries for the 2023 annular solar eclipse and 2024 total solar eclipse by providing solar eclipse glasses, solar science kits, and in-person and virtual training.

    Arizona’s in-person training will prepare and empower public library staff to facilitate meaningful solar and space science programs for their patrons that build curiosity, knowledge, and inspiration and will be offered as an AzLA pre-conference on October 26 in Prescott, AZ.

    Do Look Up! Upcoming Eclipses 2023/2024 (STAR Library Network) AzLA pre-conference

    October 26, 2023, Prescott, AZ

    Your friends at the STAR Library Network recently received funding to support state and public libraries for the 2023 annular solar eclipse and 2024 total solar eclipse. This half-day conference workshop will prepare and empower library staff to facilitate meaningful solar and space science programs for their patrons to build curiosity, knowledge, and inspiration in advance of these eclipses. Attendees will receive hands-on training on solar telescopes, low-cost methods of solar viewing, and interactive solar and space science programming. Attendees will also be able to sign up for free solar eclipse glasses to distribute to their communities in advance of both eclipses!

    To learn more about the Do Look Up! Upcoming Eclipses 2023/2024 pre-conference go to:

    More information coming soon about Solar Science Kits and other virtual training opportunities.


    Donna Throckmorton
    Library Services Consultant

    Arizona Center for the Book Coordinator
    Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records

  • Thursday, September 15, 2022 2:27 PM | Anonymous

    The Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH) in partnership with the Arizona Library Association (AzLA) is announcing a mini-grant opportunity for Arizona “small and rural” public libraries. This opportunity is part of a larger initiative – AZ Librarians Enhancing Resilient Rural Communities – that aims to support rural libraries in community efforts that promote local resilience, address inequities, and build community cohesion through capacity-building and training on a variety of topics including disaster response, addressing misinformation, and fundamentals of public health.

    Available funding for this opportunity encompasses priority areas that seek to reduce health and health- related disparities in rural populations in Arizona that may be disproportionately affected by inequities related to geographic isolation, limited resources, and structural policies.

    Mini-Grant Details:

    • Award amount – $5,000/grantee
    • Anticipated number of grantees – 18
    • Applications are being accepted through November 18, 2022, 11:59PM (MST)
    • Selection notification will be sent via email on November 28, 2022
    • Grant project period – December 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023.

    Upcoming Webinars:

    For more information, access the Mini-Grant AzCRH webpage ( and the Request for Proposals Guide (

    Contact: Lisa Lewis

    Contact: Laura Schweers

Arizona Library Association

Building Strong Libraries Together

7760 E State Route 69
Ste C5 #385
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

(928) 288-2011

© 2024 - Arizona Library Association

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