Building Strong Libraries Together

The Mission Statement of AzLA

The mission of the Arizona Library Association shall be to promote library service and librarianship in libraries of all types in the state of Arizona.

AzLA Accomplishments

  • Developed statewide materials purchasing contracts
  • Lobbied and obtained the end of use taxes on books
  • Provide continuing education credits for school librarians
  • Sponsor the Horner Fellowship
  • Provide regional forums to obtain statewide input to the association
  • Nominate young librarians to the Snowbird Leadership Institute

Professional Development Webinar Series

Title: Baby Time! Creating engaging programming for our youngest patrons and their families.

Date: March 13, 2025

Time: 1 - 2pm

Registration Link: 

Program description:
Our youngest patrons, babies and toddlers, have unique needs that need to be considered when crafting programming. They need programs that are highly interactive, play-based, and foster a sense of autonomy and attachment. It is crucial to engage them and their caregivers. But planning and delivering programming for babies and toddlers is often overwhelming. Programs for “all ages” often neglect this audience. This workshop will help address those obstacles by: providing a play-based template for a program that emphasizes attachment, discovery, and development; sharing ideas for activities and add-ons for kids 0-2 in all-ages programming; reviewing basic early literacy tips that are most relevant to this audience. Exploring different delivery models and sharing our ideas and knowledge will deepen our confidence and strengthen our practice!

Learning objectives:

Learn about what babies need from a program; get program design ideas; explore program format options; and adapt all-ages programming to include babies and young toddlers.

Presenter Bio: 

Lila Garza has been doing early literacy programming for almost a decade. She is passionate about getting kids off to a great start in the first 5 years of life! Her work emphasizes brain development, high-quality interaction, and creating enriching and caring environments. Her work as Library Coordinator provides access to opportunities to create, experiment, evaluate, and refine programming for all ages and backgrounds. She loves learning from other library professionals.

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© 2022 - Arizona Library Association

Arizona Library Association

Building Strong Libraries Together

7760 E State Route 69
Ste C5 #385
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

(928) 288-2011

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